More images of Tekken 6
This latest batch of Tekken 6 screenshots (found in the “Game Ga” Yahoo! blog) gives gamers a better idea of how customization should work in Tekken 6. Also, there are a few images of the stages mixed in there.
However what’s most intriguing about this batch of screens is this shot of a character that longtime Tekken fans may not recognize. It is still unclear if this new “hairy Latino” looking character is an old character in a new costume/look (Marduk with hair? Eww), or if this character is an entirely new one. A lot of folks feel that this is a new character.
The standard fight scene stills are also included. Some folks may notice a mannequin-like look to the characters that weren’t present in the previous installment, Tekken 5. Now before people raise their pitchforks, we do have to note that the game is still yet to be released by Namco Bandai, so there may be some changes/improvements to come.
The screenshots are below. Click the thumbnails to get a better view. Enjoy!
And there’s more Tekken 6 action at Full Article!
This latest batch of Tekken 6 screenshots (found in the “Game Ga” Yahoo! blog) gives gamers a better idea of how customization should work in Tekken 6. Also, there are a few images of the stages mixed in there.
However what’s most intriguing about this batch of screens is this shot of a character that longtime Tekken fans may not recognize. It is still unclear if this new “hairy Latino” looking character is an old character in a new costume/look (Marduk with hair? Eww), or if this character is an entirely new one. A lot of folks feel that this is a new character.
The standard fight scene stills are also included. Some folks may notice a mannequin-like look to the characters that weren’t present in the previous installment, Tekken 5. Now before people raise their pitchforks, we do have to note that the game is still yet to be released by Namco Bandai, so there may be some changes/improvements to come.
The screenshots are below. Click the thumbnails to get a better view. Enjoy!
Via Yahoo – Gamega