More Monster Lab details: mini-games, combat, multiplayer

Monster lab - Image 1Monster Lab, Eidos’ new action RPG title, brings more creature-battling madness to the Nintendo Wii home video game console. French video game news website Puissance-Nintendo recently scored a few more details about the game.

Mini-games will play a part in the creature creation process. Using the Wiimote, players can, for example, weld together various monster parts. In some of the mini-games, players’ success rate will determine how strong or weak their creatures will be.

Combat will be handled in turn-based style. Players will be able to monitor how much damage their creatures’ parts have sustained. Parts that have sustained a lot of damage will be shown in red.

Monster Lab will also feature multiplayer support. Players will be able to take their creations online and fight it out against other players or trade parts and items.

Monster Lab is currently under development by Backbone Entertainment and is slated for a Summer 2008 release.

Via Puissance-Nintendo

Monster lab - Image 1Monster Lab, Eidos’ new action RPG title, brings more creature-battling madness to the Nintendo Wii home video game console. French video game news website Puissance-Nintendo recently scored a few more details about the game.

Mini-games will play a part in the creature creation process. Using the Wiimote, players can, for example, weld together various monster parts. In some of the mini-games, players’ success rate will determine how strong or weak their creatures will be.

Combat will be handled in turn-based style. Players will be able to monitor how much damage their creatures’ parts have sustained. Parts that have sustained a lot of damage will be shown in red.

Monster Lab will also feature multiplayer support. Players will be able to take their creations online and fight it out against other players or trade parts and items.

Monster Lab is currently under development by Backbone Entertainment and is slated for a Summer 2008 release.

Via Puissance-Nintendo

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