More on Iwata: 3.3M downloaded VC titles and 3M software target
For the past few days now, there have been a couple of reports about Satoru Iwata‘s meeting with the press in Tokyo the other day, as a couple of key facts were apparently revealed. The notable items of his speech would be those about the increased Wii production output to keep in pace with the demand, and the revelation that Nintendo is actually making 100+ video game titles for Wii and DS.
Today, more details about that meeting surfaced. Accordingly, Satoru Iwata divulged information about how online service Virtual Console (VC) is going. While he refused to give a detailed breakdown for titles and virtual platforms, Iwata did say that a total of 3.3 million games have been downloaded worldwide through the service as of now.
Furthermore, the Nintendo president was asked again about hardware production both for Wii and DS. Iwata then admitted that he’s rather surprised with this question, because selling hardware is not Nintendo’s main objective. He explained,
But selling hardware isn’t our goal. Users purchase hardware in order to enjoy games. Our purpose in expanding hardware is to add life to our software business. As a mid to long term final goal, we’ve set out to sell enough hardware to sell 300,000,000 pieces of software.
Iwata continued and mentioned that Nintendo is quite lucky because development of both hardware and software takes place in the same building allowing the two departments to communicate closely. The official also mentioned that their hardware development team is considering a variety of things in the anticipation that the market may change soon.
For the past few days now, there have been a couple of reports about Satoru Iwata‘s meeting with the press in Tokyo the other day, as a couple of key facts were apparently revealed. The notable items of his speech would be those about the increased Wii production output to keep in pace with the demand, and the revelation that Nintendo is actually making 100+ video game titles for Wii and DS.
Today, more details about that meeting surfaced. Accordingly, Satoru Iwata divulged information about how online service Virtual Console (VC) is going. While he refused to give a detailed breakdown for titles and virtual platforms, Iwata did say that a total of 3.3 million games have been downloaded worldwide through the service as of now.
Furthermore, the Nintendo president was asked again about hardware production both for Wii and DS. Iwata then admitted that he’s rather surprised with this question, because selling hardware is not Nintendo’s main objective. He explained,
But selling hardware isn’t our goal. Users purchase hardware in order to enjoy games. Our purpose in expanding hardware is to add life to our software business. As a mid to long term final goal, we’ve set out to sell enough hardware to sell 300,000,000 pieces of software.
Iwata continued and mentioned that Nintendo is quite lucky because development of both hardware and software takes place in the same building allowing the two departments to communicate closely. The official also mentioned that their hardware development team is considering a variety of things in the anticipation that the market may change soon.