Mother 3 for N64 Found: The eBay Story
You can truly found everything on eBay. A rumor about Mother 3 or Earthbound 2 for the Nintendo 64 has surfaced in the form of four blue discs labelled with “M3-KM-01 up to 04.” Just to refresh your memory , Mother 3 was originally announced in 1996 and was intended for N64 which was eventually moved to the Nintendo 64DD. But after suffering setbacks from too many delays by the inexperienced development team with the hardware and 3D graphics, the plug was pulled on the project. It was soon again released in 2003, this time for the Game Boy Advance.
But don’t get your hopes up yet, even though the discs have surfaced and the person who bought it claimed it had Mother 3 on it, he’s still unable to do a complete check because even with the 64DD development he wasn’t able to play it. Apparently, it’s missing a key ingredient which is a partner 64 cartridge and floppy discs containing the IPL4 ROM program. And would you believe someone is selling it on ebay?
Via siliconera
You can truly found everything on eBay. A rumor about Mother 3 or Earthbound 2 for the Nintendo 64 has surfaced in the form of four blue discs labelled with “M3-KM-01 up to 04.” Just to refresh your memory , Mother 3 was originally announced in 1996 and was intended for N64 which was eventually moved to the Nintendo 64DD. But after suffering setbacks from too many delays by the inexperienced development team with the hardware and 3D graphics, the plug was pulled on the project. It was soon again released in 2003, this time for the Game Boy Advance.
But don’t get your hopes up yet, even though the discs have surfaced and the person who bought it claimed it had Mother 3 on it, he’s still unable to do a complete check because even with the 64DD development he wasn’t able to play it. Apparently, it’s missing a key ingredient which is a partner 64 cartridge and floppy discs containing the IPL4 ROM program. And would you believe someone is selling it on ebay?
Via siliconera