NCsoft to deliver four exclusive PS3 MMORPGs

NCsoft - Image 1In a follow up interview by, NCsoft Europe CEO Geoff Heath goes into more detail about their E3 announcement about a deal between NCsoft and Sony. NCsoft, the team behind Guild Wars, City of Heroes, and Lineage, announced an exclusive game development deal with Sony for the PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation Portable.

While the deal does promise exclusivity for Sony, Heath explains that NCsoft is only expanding its business and not replacing its strong foothold on PC games. So while they are planning to release video games for the PS3, the projects will be chosen from games that were mostly conceptualized for the PC.

Heath doesn’t go into detail about the games themselves except to say that it won’t be more of the same:

We can’t keep recycling the goblins and the swords. […] There’s 2 million people playing Guild Wars, but there are 198 million people in Europe with PCs and broadband who aren’t playing Guild Wars. So I say, let’s go get them.

NCsoft - Image 1In a follow up interview by, NCsoft Europe CEO Geoff Heath goes into more detail about their E3 announcement about a deal between NCsoft and Sony. NCsoft, the team behind Guild Wars, City of Heroes, and Lineage, announced an exclusive game development deal with Sony for the PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation Portable.

While the deal does promise exclusivity for Sony, Heath explains that NCsoft is only expanding its business and not replacing its strong foothold on PC games. So while they are planning to release video games for the PS3, the projects will be chosen from games that were mostly conceptualized for the PC.

Heath doesn’t go into detail about the games themselves except to say that it won’t be more of the same:

We can’t keep recycling the goblins and the swords. […] There’s 2 million people playing Guild Wars, but there are 198 million people in Europe with PCs and broadband who aren’t playing Guild Wars. So I say, let’s go get them.

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