NeoFlash competition entry- Move It

Move It

We’re starting to see the first few submissions in the Neo coding contest. And looking at this game, Move it, I feel that we will be seeing a lot of quality stuff soon. Although the premise of the game is simple, the concept is great and I’m sure I will be enjoying it for some time. I do believe I’ve played a game similar to this on my PC, but can’t remember the name at the top of my head. Anyways, on with the info.

The aim of the game is to move the blocks with keys over the keyholes and open all the locks to reach the next level. You could use the D-Pad or the Analog stick to move the mouse cursor. The selected block could be moved if you press and hold the Circle button. The block is only moved if it’s possible. With Triangle you can undo moves.

The game also allows you to pick up the game from where you left it off the last time. Quite a handy feature I might add. The game currently has 80 levels! Clear your schedule and start playing this game. I can guarantee you it will be addictive. Here’s another screenshot from ingame.

Move It

Download Link: [Move it]

Via NeoFlash Forums

Move It

We’re starting to see the first few submissions in the Neo coding contest. And looking at this game, Move it, I feel that we will be seeing a lot of quality stuff soon. Although the premise of the game is simple, the concept is great and I’m sure I will be enjoying it for some time. I do believe I’ve played a game similar to this on my PC, but can’t remember the name at the top of my head. Anyways, on with the info.

The aim of the game is to move the blocks with keys over the keyholes and open all the locks to reach the next level. You could use the D-Pad or the Analog stick to move the mouse cursor. The selected block could be moved if you press and hold the Circle button. The block is only moved if it’s possible. With Triangle you can undo moves.

The game also allows you to pick up the game from where you left it off the last time. Quite a handy feature I might add. The game currently has 80 levels! Clear your schedule and start playing this game. I can guarantee you it will be addictive. Here’s another screenshot from ingame.

Move It

Download Link: [Move it]

Via NeoFlash Forums

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