NesterJ NES Emulator v1.01 for PSP


Ruka has released v1.01 of the NesterJ NES Emulator for PSP with Source. This release allows you to choose between 222 and 333mhz by going into the menu (L trigger) and changing it under the graphics sub menu. Many people have been playing with these emulators that run at 333mhz and we have heard no reports of any problems, yet we must caution you that this is not how the PSP is (currently) intended to run, so use this at your own risk.

You can get it in our PSP Download section here.
This version also includes the v1.0 english readme.


Ruka has released v1.01 of the NesterJ NES Emulator for PSP with Source. This release allows you to choose between 222 and 333mhz by going into the menu (L trigger) and changing it under the graphics sub menu. Many people have been playing with these emulators that run at 333mhz and we have heard no reports of any problems, yet we must caution you that this is not how the PSP is (currently) intended to run, so use this at your own risk.

You can get it in our PSP Download section here.
This version also includes the v1.0 english readme.

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