Netflix to distribute rented movies through Xbox 360?

Netflix - Image 1We can to download movies via Microsoft’s Xbox Live Video Marketplace, but will we be able to stream rented movies from Netflix through our Xbox 360 consoles? There’s a possibility that it may happen in the near future, now that Netflix is gauging their subscribers’ interest in having their movies delivered via Microsoft‘s next-gen machine. More in the full article.

Netflix - Image 1Is this any indication of something interesting that might come our way in the near future? Just recently, movie rental outfit Netflix was spotted asking their subscribers through a survey whether they’re interested in getting their rented movies streamed through Microsoft‘s Xbox 360 console or not.

Will this mean that Netflix and Microsoft will eventually offer a joint movie rental service? Netflix spokesman Steve Swasey did not comment directly about the possibility of Netflix teaming up with Microsoft, but he did mention that the movie rental company is considering several new ways of distributing their movies.

We certainly hope that the speculation turns out to be true. Alongside Microsoft’s Xbox Live Video Marketplace, being able to rent movies through your console will definitely give more life and meaning to your Xbox 360. More updates as they happen.

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