netlib v1.2 Released! Dial Phone Numbers From Your PSP!

netlib v1.2youresam from our forums has just updated netlib. It’s a library of functions which developers can use so that they dont have to re-type the code. They can simply call the functions from this library and it will do its work. Also in the newest version, youresam has added a really wacky function. You can make phone-calls! Yep, you read that right. But you can’t actually talk to the opposite guy. But hey, it might just happen in the future.

Originally, PsPmad’s idea, youresam implemented it into netlib. Here’s how it works:

  • Edit the config.txt file and fill in your phone number, and the number which you want to call.
  • Now simply call up the number. It’s completely anonymous! Though, don’t come back crying if your girlfriend’s dad comes after you like a lunatic for making prank calls.

There are two limitations though. You can only use “your number” 3 times. Yep, no more. It will be solved in one of the upcoming versions. The second limitation is that it can only be used in the US of A. Why don’t you guys try it out and report your findings below. Be advised though, this library is originally meant for developers. The only use for the common PSP user is for some fun. Just wait until some developer integrates this into his homebrew.

Download Link : [netlib v1.2]

netlib v1.2youresam from our forums has just updated netlib. It’s a library of functions which developers can use so that they dont have to re-type the code. They can simply call the functions from this library and it will do its work. Also in the newest version, youresam has added a really wacky function. You can make phone-calls! Yep, you read that right. But you can’t actually talk to the opposite guy. But hey, it might just happen in the future.

Originally, PsPmad’s idea, youresam implemented it into netlib. Here’s how it works:

  • Edit the config.txt file and fill in your phone number, and the number which you want to call.
  • Now simply call up the number. It’s completely anonymous! Though, don’t come back crying if your girlfriend’s dad comes after you like a lunatic for making prank calls.

There are two limitations though. You can only use “your number” 3 times. Yep, no more. It will be solved in one of the upcoming versions. The second limitation is that it can only be used in the US of A. Why don’t you guys try it out and report your findings below. Be advised though, this library is originally meant for developers. The only use for the common PSP user is for some fun. Just wait until some developer integrates this into his homebrew.

Download Link : [netlib v1.2]

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