New details, packaging info for Mobile Suit Gundam: Giren no Yabou – Axis no Kyoui
An interesting option in any game is the ability to choose one’s alignment. What was previously only a staple of tabletop RPGs is now available in Bandai’s sci-fi strategy game, Mobile Suit Gundam: Giren no Yabou – Axis no Kyoui.
As with all chosen paths, however, consequences await. More on the specifics of this new system in the full article, located conveniently after the jump.
While in-game screenshots and magazine scans are nice, more tidbits of information about an anticipated game are also nice, especially if that game is Mobile Suit Gundam: Giren no Yabou – Axis no Kyoui. This time, Famitsu and Namco Bandai have revealed a little bit about the Align System, the Law/Chaos meter and the special packaging for the Sony PSP game.
Famitsu has reported that an Align System will be present in the game, which will be indicated by the Law/Chaos meter located near the bottom of the status screen. Depending on the player’s actions in the game, the system will designate the player as either good (Law) or evil. (Chaos). Of course, both tendencies will come with their respective consequences, be it assistance from neutral forces or troubles in the form of dropped colonies and riots.
Bandai has also prepared a special PSP package for Gundam: Giren no Yabou – Axis no Kyoui as shown in the picture above. It includes some Zeonic goodies, such as as a special crimson PSP and a themed Zeon Victoria Cross decoration strap. The package will retail for 25,890 yen (US$ 245).