Jack Thompson, Lorne Lanning debate after Moral Kombat screening

Jack Thompson and Lorne Lanning debate - Image 1Moral Kombat has finally been screened, and straight after was the panel discussion between Jack Thompson and Lorne Lanning, co-founder of Oddworld Inhabitants. The debate was heated and filled with solid (and not-so-solid) arguments (complete with friendly jests and banter) from both sides.

No hair pulling, no punches thrown (except verbal ones, maybe). Read the full article for more details on the debate.

Debate between Jack Thompson and Lorne Lanning - Image 1Moral Kombat has finally been screened, and straight after was the panel discussion between Jack Thompson and Lorne Lanning, co-founder of Oddworld Inhabitants. The debate was heated and filled with solid (and not-so-solid) arguments (complete with friendly jests and banter) from both sides.

No hair pulling, no punches thrown (except verbal ones, maybe). The discussion started out friendly but quickly heated up 15 minutes into the debate when Jack Thompson’s methods of aggression towards the video game industry was brought up by Lanning.

According to Lanning, Jack Thompson’s “business model” is based on sensationalism and building his reputation against video games so he can convince “grieving families” that the games are to blame for the deaths of their loved ones. This is an argument that permeates some of Lanning’s arguments.

Thompson’s main points covered how violent video games increase aggression in gamers, and how this in turn breeds crime and violence. Lorne focuses (and rebutts) on how violence is present in all forms of media (and even in the Old Testament) and how crimes cannot be blamed on video games.

Thompson also brings up how games are sold to underage consumers and how ethics should play a role in the industry. Lorne, on the other hand, bring questions Thompson’s own motivation on pursuing the issue.

One interesting question popped up in the Q&A section of the discussion: “Do you think Pac-Man is violent?” That’s the real question isn’t it. Follow the link below for a blow by blow summary.

Via Joystiq

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