New flOw videos out now

flOw Banner - Image 1 

flOw, a game developed by thatgamecompany, is unorthodox. It twists, it wiggles, and it squirms. What more could you ask for in a video game? After checking out the new flOw videos, we continue to be mesmerized by the different light, colors, and movement that we saw on the screen – the game has gone a long way from when it used to be a “simple” web-based Flash game (see the ooooold image above).

Check out the videos, and lose yourself. *drool*

Download: [flOw gameplay movie 1]
Download: [flOw gameplay movie 2]

flOw Banner - Image 1 

flOw, a game developed by thatgamecompany, is unorthodox. It twists, it wiggles, and it squirms. What more could you ask for in a video game? After checking out the new flOw videos, we continue to be mesmerized by the different light, colors, and movement that we saw on the screen – the game has gone a long way from when it used to be a “simple” web-based Flash game (see the ooooold image above).

Check out the videos, and lose yourself. *drool*

Download: [flOw gameplay movie 1]
Download: [flOw gameplay movie 2]

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