New Max Payne 3 art, rumored details from Game Informer

Max Payne 3 - Image 1When you think of Max Payne, does Mark Wahlberg come to mind? Yeah, well forget that face because the Max Payne we’ll see in Max Payne 3 is going to sport a totally different look. He’s older, bald and bearded, but he’s still a bloody bad ass. Hit the full article for the cover as well as some rumored details about the new game.

When you think of Max Payne, does Mark Wahlberg come to mind? Yeah, well forget that face because the Max Payne we’ll see in Max Payne 3 is going to sport a totally different look. He’s older, bald and bearded, but he’s still a bloody bad ass.

Max Payne 3 - Image 1

Some rumored details supposedly taken from the Game Informer feature have also floated up out of the Internet’s depths. These haven’t been confirmed yet, but according to Deeko and Shacknews, here’s what the feature reveals:

  • In addition to being bald and bearded, Max is addicted to pain killers.
  • That pain killer addiction will affect gameplay.
  • The game is set in Sao Paolo, Brazil, with battles in “urban ghetto” locales.
  • “Fully destructible environments” and a cover system are in.
  • There will also be some “day and night cycles.”
  • Bullet Time is now “more visceral and ultra-violent.”
  • Online multiplayer is in, but no details.
  • Powered by Rockstar’s RAGE technology

Max Payne 3 is slated for a winter 2009 release on PS3 and Xbox 360.

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Via Game Informer

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