New screens for A Boy and His Blob boasts of new levels

A Boy and His Blob - Image 1As reported back in March, Majesco Entertainment‘s 1989 NES classic, A Boy and His Blob, will be getting a Wiimake soon. Promising hand-drawn and painted animation for its updated graphics, it’s time to see the world you’ll be re-entering once the game comes out this Fall. Screenshots after the jump.

As reported back in March, Majesco Entertainment‘s 1989 NES classic, A Boy and His Blob, will be getting a Wiimake soon. Promising hand-drawn and painted animation for its updated graphics, it’s time to see the world you’ll be re-entering once the game comes out this Fall.

Aussie-Nintendo gives us an opportunity to peek into this world via screenshots, so let’s see what the game’s got thus far:

 A Boy and His Blob - Image 1 A Boy and His Blob - Image 2

A Boy and His Blob - Image 1

A Boy and His Blob - Image 1 A Boy and His Blob - Image 2 A Boy and His Blob - Image 3

I must say, that’s quite an upgrade, wouldn’t you agree? We’ll keep you posted on this.

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Via Aussie-Nintendo

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