New Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow videos

A fresh clip of hard-hitting videos from the highly-anticipated Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow for the PSP loaded and ready to blow you away. We give you the skinny on what you should watch out for in this volley of eye candy.

The first clip is a sweetly-animated CGI video of Gabe’s briefing of sorts, and yes, he’s going to save the world again by chasing down terrorists and more terrorists. The second, third and fourth videos are all gameplay, with things looking nicely sharp and solid as they were on his previous outings (if not better). And Gabe’s still his sneaky self, with the ability to fire blind around corners ala Killswitch. Can you say tango down? Yeah, you could.

But enough chit-chat! On to the videos!

The other three videos after the jump!

A fresh clip of hard-hitting videos from the highly-anticipated Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow for the PSP loaded and ready to blow you away. We give you the skinny on what you should watch out for in this volley of eye candy.

The first clip is a sweetly-animated CGI video of Gabe’s briefing of sorts, and yes, he’s going to save the world again by chasing down terrorists and more terrorists. The second, third and fourth videos are all gameplay, with things looking nicely sharp and solid as they were on his previous outings (if not better). And Gabe’s still his sneaky self, with the ability to fire blind around corners ala Killswitch. Can you say tango down? Yeah, you could.

But enough chit-chat! On to the videos!

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