Nintendo DS Booting System 6 Video

We earlier reported about one of the Nintendo DS’ surprising capabilities, and that is the ability to run Macintosh System 6 Operating System. System 6 belongs to the family of Classic Mac OS which was used widely on the late 1980s. This archaic operating system supported only 24 bits of addressable memory rather than full 32 bits, allowing it to address a maximum of 8MB of RAM. It also has no built-in support for virtual memory.

So now, to prove that the Mac System 6 could run on a DS, here is a video posted by TheLazy1, whom we think is also the one who posted those pics that was shown in the earlier report. Now, if you think that this is true or just one of them hoaxes, well, that’s your call.

Via TheLazy1

We earlier reported about one of the Nintendo DS’ surprising capabilities, and that is the ability to run Macintosh System 6 Operating System. System 6 belongs to the family of Classic Mac OS which was used widely on the late 1980s. This archaic operating system supported only 24 bits of addressable memory rather than full 32 bits, allowing it to address a maximum of 8MB of RAM. It also has no built-in support for virtual memory.

So now, to prove that the Mac System 6 could run on a DS, here is a video posted by TheLazy1, whom we think is also the one who posted those pics that was shown in the earlier report. Now, if you think that this is true or just one of them hoaxes, well, that’s your call.

Via TheLazy1

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