Nintendo of France Dishs Out Some Revolution Info
Nintendo of France’s Marketing Director Mathieu Minel discussed the Nintendo Revolution in an interview with gaming site Jeux-France. In the interview, Minel revealed juicy tidbits on the launch and the controller.
First, Minel is quoted as saying that the Revolution controller is similar to a touch screen in terms of interactivity and utility, but does not give any indication that there may be a touch screen on the controller. Next, Minel says that Nintendo is planning to launch the Rev in all territories within a minimum of 2 months after the initial launch. Lastly, he mentioned that the US and Japan may possibly be truly thankful with a system launch before Thanksgiving.
Thanks to Mike Dove of Revolution Report for translating. Nintendo of France’s Marketing Director Mathieu Minel discussed the Nintendo Revolution in an interview with gaming site Jeux-France. In the interview, Minel revealed juicy tidbits on the launch and the controller.
First, Minel is quoted as saying that the Revolution controller is similar to a touch screen in terms of interactivity and utility, but does not give any indication that there may be a touch screen on the controller. Next, Minel says that Nintendo is planning to launch the Rev in all territories within a minimum of 2 months after the initial launch. Lastly, he mentioned that the US and Japan may possibly be truly thankful with a system launch before Thanksgiving.
Thanks to Mike Dove of Revolution Report for translating.