Nintendo president not impressed by iPad, doubts people will take to 3D gaming

Satoru IwataNintendo’s Satoru Iwata is not impressed by the recently-announced iPad. In an interview with the New York Times, Iwata called the iPad nothing more than a big iPod Touch. The Nintendo president also expressed misgivings towards 3D videogaming and dismissed rumors about a motion control-capable DS and Wii HD.





Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata is not impressed by the recently-announced iPad. In an interview with the New York Times, Iwata called the iPad nothing more than a big iPod Touch.


“It was a bigger iPod Touch,” said Iwata. “There were no surprises for me.” Apple officially announced the iPad on Wednesday.


The Nintendo president also expressed misgivings towards 3D videogaming. Although he welcome 3D movies in theaters, he remained critical of 3D’s encroachment into the home gaming space.


”I have doubts whether people will be wearing glasses to play games at home. How is that going to look to other people?” said Iwata, who also added that Nintendo will have to look into possible health effects that come with prolonged 3D gaming.


As for their new hardware, Iwata outright denied rumors that Nintendo is working on motion control-equipped DS and Wii HD. He did add however that Nintendo engineers are working on new machines.




Via [NYT]

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