Nintendo Weekend Warrior – Price drop pressures anew

Nintendo Weekend Warrior - Image 1Pressure’s on to get the Wii price cut back into competing form with the now top-selling PS3. Will Iwata-san and the rest of the Nintendo bigwigs give in? Or can they still afford to maintain their curent price point? Find out what Michael Pachter has to say on the subject. Catch that, as well as other bits of news for the Wii and DS right here on the Nintendo Weekend Warrior.

Nintendo Weekend Warrior - Image 1

Pressure’s on to get the Wii price cut back into competing form with the now top-selling PS3. Will Iwata-san and the rest of the Nintendo bigwigs give in? Or can they still afford to maintain their curent price point? Find out what Michael Pachter has to say on the subject. Catch that, as well as other bits of news for the Wii and DS right here on the Nintendo Weekend Warrior.


  • Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon to include Japanese audio track. Link
  • Konami announces Contra Rebirth for WiiWare. Link
  • A Very Hungry Caterpillar crawls into WiiWare. Link
  • Capcom’s Monster Hunter surprise revealed: it’s a contest! Link
  • Video: First full Okamiden gameplay trailer. Link


  • Pachter: US sales continue to go down, Wii price cut no later than November. Link

Hacks, homebrew, and mods

  • Wiikey Fusion announced, a revolutionary modchip with SD card capabilities. Link
  • Wii homebrew game – Sand Traps v1.1 Link
  • DS homebrew – iDeaS Beta. Link

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