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Tycho and Gabe - Image 1

Penny Arcade has recently published a three-frame comic strip in its site based on their experiences finding a copy of the seemingly rare Puzzle Quest. The comic features Tycho and Gabe talking about the game with a dialogue that pokes fun at killing and games. The character talks in a way similar to a certain public figure infamous in the gaming world.

Need a clue? He’s been suing people left and right for violent content in video games which he sees inappropriately rated by electronic media regulatory boards.

On a side note, there’s been some buzz with people saying that the game is a little hard to find the past few weeks. Although the game has a PSP version, some gamers prefer the one on the PC because of the display size. Apparently, some don’t enjoy the game fully when all the text crowds up in the PSP’s screen. Blending RPG and puzzle elements, the game has hit a significant niche in the crowded game market.

Puzzle Quest is also available for the DS and mobile platforms.

Via Penny Arcade

Tycho and Gabe - Image 1

Penny Arcade has recently published a three-frame comic strip in its site based on their experiences finding a copy of the seemingly rare Puzzle Quest. The comic features Tycho and Gabe talking about the game with a dialogue that pokes fun at killing and games. The character talks in a way similar to a certain public figure infamous in the gaming world.

Need a clue? He’s been suing people left and right for violent content in video games which he sees inappropriately rated by electronic media regulatory boards.

On a side note, there’s been some buzz with people saying that the game is a little hard to find the past few weeks. Although the game has a PSP version, some gamers prefer the one on the PC because of the display size. Apparently, some don’t enjoy the game fully when all the text crowds up in the PSP’s screen. Blending RPG and puzzle elements, the game has hit a significant niche in the crowded game market.

Puzzle Quest is also available for the DS and mobile platforms.

Via Penny Arcade

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