Nintendo Wii homebrew: Wiifuse v0.2.0
After updating the Nintendo Wii homebrew tool Geckoloader, developer dhewg is back with Wiifuse version 0.2.0. In a nutshell, Wiifuse allows you to read and explore the files of your Gamecube and Wii discs. More details over at the full article.
In trying to start something new, it is always best to study what is currently around. Nintendo Wii homebrew developer dhewg may have done just that with Wiifuse version 0.2.0. Now, you just might be able to read the contents of your Gamecube and Wii discs.
This is not an ISO Loader though. Wiifuse just allows a sneak peek unto the directory structure of Gamecube and Wii discs. The most notable of the goodies which can be accessed is the game’s main executable.
Wii discs are much more complicated than Gamecube ones because of its multiple partition. A 128bit AES key is required to decrypt your Wii discs.
Coder dhewg, who has just finished work on the Geckoloader, noted a completely revamped wiifuse_server as the only change for the 0.2.0 build. Wiifuse_server allows “the mounting of the Wii’s internal NAND file system with full read/write access remotely on your computer.”
Unfortunately, this would only be really useful to current homebrew developers, so let’s leave this to the experts in the meantime. If you’re a budding homebrew developer with a Linux rig to keep you company, you might want to check out the new Wii-compatible GCfuse utility at the “Via” link below.