No Dark Sector until early 2008

Dark Sector - Image 1 

PlayStation 3 owners looking to step into the shoes of Dark Sector‘s Hayden Tenno and his multi-purpose arm of slashiness and cuttiness this Q3 may have to set their plans a few quarters back – specifically, until early 2008.

Word from PR for D3Publisher Tamara Sanderson is that they’re pushing the release date of the third person/slash ’em up into early next year because the remaining two quarters of THIS year is much too crowded. A few of the many hot titles to be available in Q4 2007 include Halo 3, GTA IV, Killzone and Assassin’s Creed.

Well, at least we know they’re just playing it safe and it’s not some last-minute bug that’s pushed the release date back. Another consolation is that with Dark Sector being released after all those big titles, the stream of high-quality goodness will last us all a very long time, even after the holidays.

Updates as we get them.

Dark Sector - Image 1 

PlayStation 3 owners looking to step into the shoes of Dark Sector‘s Hayden Tenno and his multi-purpose arm of slashiness and cuttiness this Q3 may have to set their plans a few quarters back – specifically, until early 2008.

Word from PR for D3Publisher Tamara Sanderson is that they’re pushing the release date of the third person/slash ’em up into early next year because the remaining two quarters of THIS year is much too crowded. A few of the many hot titles to be available in Q4 2007 include Halo 3, GTA IV, Killzone and Assassin’s Creed.

Well, at least we know they’re just playing it safe and it’s not some last-minute bug that’s pushed the release date back. Another consolation is that with Dark Sector being released after all those big titles, the stream of high-quality goodness will last us all a very long time, even after the holidays.

Updates as we get them.

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