No freebie outdoor treasure chests in Outland
You’re walking around Azeroth and you see a treasure chest guarded or not and you couldn’t believe your luck. It’s quite rare to find this world chests – meaning outside instances. There’s just one thing about that. Sno from the World of Warcraft Forums noticed that there are no world chests in Outland.
Blizzard poster Tseric answered why there aren’t any in Outland. According to him, rare-spawn mobs were put in to take the place of outdoor chests. He added:
I might disagree. A mob could be equated to a chest of loot that simply walks around and hits back. Seems a little more interesting than an inanimate box full of stuff sitting in the middle of a canyon or what have you. When I say they effectively replace chests, it is to mean that the devs decided against populating Outland with chests for a few reasons and rare spawns were seen as simply more fun and rewarding. It is considered a better mechanic comparitively. “Kill mob, get reward” as opposed to “Get reward”.
Some players disagreed with Tseric’s reasoning, however. Whereas a good number of players are up for the challenge of mob soloing and getting sweet loot, others prefer doing stuff that don’t require sweat. Which one are you?
You’re walking around Azeroth and you see a treasure chest guarded or not and you couldn’t believe your luck. It’s quite rare to find this world chests – meaning outside instances. There’s just one thing about that. Sno from the World of Warcraft Forums noticed that there are no world chests in Outland.
Blizzard poster Tseric answered why there aren’t any in Outland. According to him, rare-spawn mobs were put in to take the place of outdoor chests. He added:
I might disagree. A mob could be equated to a chest of loot that simply walks around and hits back. Seems a little more interesting than an inanimate box full of stuff sitting in the middle of a canyon or what have you. When I say they effectively replace chests, it is to mean that the devs decided against populating Outland with chests for a few reasons and rare spawns were seen as simply more fun and rewarding. It is considered a better mechanic comparitively. “Kill mob, get reward” as opposed to “Get reward”.
Some players disagreed with Tseric’s reasoning, however. Whereas a good number of players are up for the challenge of mob soloing and getting sweet loot, others prefer doing stuff that don’t require sweat. Which one are you?