No more Class Reviews, especially not for Warriors

Moooo Over at another “fix the warriors” thread (you know, those threads where a lot of players request that a certain class needs a major overhaul) at the WoW Forums, Blizzard poster, Tseric said that class reviews, as we have known them from the 1.x patches, aren’t going to happen anymore. Here’s his explanation:

1. ‘Class Reviews’ as they have been known in the past, are a thing of the past. The devs will make adjustments as they feel are merited, but they will likely be sprinkled between classes and delivered over patches. There will not be a future patch which will be deemed a ‘class patch’.

2. The devs don’t respond to brute force coercion, which is all this really is.

3. Petition threads/posts are against the Code of Conduct for the previous reason, as well as others. This is just shouting and saying nothing. It makes as much sense as saying that if enough people signed a thread to give warriors a third arm, warriors should get a third arm. Agreement of a group of people does nothing to increase the merit of the request/demand, it simply generates more posts on the topic.

This of course can lead to easy assumptions that the devs think that the classes are for the most part (with the exception of minor tweaks and balances) “done”. Easy and clean right?

Well, Eliah Hecht of WoW Insider does point out that most classes got what amounted to a full review with 2.0.1. Hecht speculates that perhaps the devs are just planning on saving wide-scoping changes for the expansions, with adjustments implemented from patch to patch as needed.

Since we really know little about the development process, we feel that it isn’t safe for us to comment on this topic. However, some of us here at QJ (some of us don’t) feel that this is for the best, as we feel that minor incremental changes for a class (implemented with each patch) is a good way to balance a class out, as players do not have to learn how to play that class all over again.

Via WoW Forums

Moooo Over at another “fix the warriors” thread (you know, those threads where a lot of players request that a certain class needs a major overhaul) at the WoW Forums, Blizzard poster, Tseric said that class reviews, as we have known them from the 1.x patches, aren’t going to happen anymore. Here’s his explanation:

1. ‘Class Reviews’ as they have been known in the past, are a thing of the past. The devs will make adjustments as they feel are merited, but they will likely be sprinkled between classes and delivered over patches. There will not be a future patch which will be deemed a ‘class patch’.

2. The devs don’t respond to brute force coercion, which is all this really is.

3. Petition threads/posts are against the Code of Conduct for the previous reason, as well as others. This is just shouting and saying nothing. It makes as much sense as saying that if enough people signed a thread to give warriors a third arm, warriors should get a third arm. Agreement of a group of people does nothing to increase the merit of the request/demand, it simply generates more posts on the topic.

This of course can lead to easy assumptions that the devs think that the classes are for the most part (with the exception of minor tweaks and balances) “done”. Easy and clean right?

Well, Eliah Hecht of WoW Insider does point out that most classes got what amounted to a full review with 2.0.1. Hecht speculates that perhaps the devs are just planning on saving wide-scoping changes for the expansions, with adjustments implemented from patch to patch as needed.

Since we really know little about the development process, we feel that it isn’t safe for us to comment on this topic. However, some of us here at QJ (some of us don’t) feel that this is for the best, as we feel that minor incremental changes for a class (implemented with each patch) is a good way to balance a class out, as players do not have to learn how to play that class all over again.

Via WoW Forums

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