No more multiple endings in Mafia II
Do you like games with multiple endings? Well, you won’t be getting any in Mafia II. The dev team has decided to scrap all the other mediocre endings in favor of “one GREAT ending”.
Do you like games with multiple endings? Well, you won’t be getting any in Mafia II. The dev team has decided to scrap all the other mediocre endings in favor of “one GREAT ending”.
Speaking to IncGamers, senior producer Denby Grace said, “We had four multiple endings at one point in the game, and then we looked at it and we had one really outstanding great ending to end our story.
“We worked on these things and we have our players that focus test [the game] and we found that people were just replaying and ultimately only felt satisfied when they got to the one GREAT ending.”
And that’s the only ending they left in, that “one GREAT ending”. We’ll see how great it really is when Mafia II comes out on August 24. The game will be available for PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.
Via [IncGamers]