North America Virtual Console update – King’s Knight and Powerball

North America Virtual Console - King's Knight and Powerball - Image 1 Ready for this week’s dose of retro gaming goodness? We’ve got a sports title Powerball and a shooter King’s Knight. Curious? Check out the full article by clicking the link below.

North America Virtual Console - King's Knight and Powerball - Image 1 It’s time for your weekly dose of retro gaming goodness, and we’ve got two titles that may sate your hunger for walking down memory lane. This Monday’s Virtual Console update for North America will have two titles up for your download pleasure: King’s Knight and Powerball.

Square Soft’s King’s Knight was originally released on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and MSX back in 1986, and often mistaken for an RPG. It’s actually a vertical scrolling shooter that features four characters, Ray Jack the knight, Kaliva the wizard, Barusa the monster, and Toby the thief. Your mission is to rescue Princess Claire from the evil clutches of the kidnapping dragon.

Powerball on the other hand was first released on the Sega Genesis and is a futuristic sports game that mixes football and rugby. You go up against seven other teams and play on a 100-yard field. To score, you can carry the ball to your enemy’s endzone or kick the ball into the net.

There you have it. Stay tuned for more Wii Virtual Console updates and news.

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