Notes on Test version 1.90h for Dark Age of Camelot

Notes on Test version 1.90h for Dark Age of Camelot - Image 1 The latest buzz on Dark Age of Camelot is that 1.90h is now on the Pendragon. While this new update focused more on tweaking the Siege System, quite a few bug fixes and improvements were added as well.

Among the changes include a new command which allows players to directly deposit into their guild bank, the removal of the condemned door message on the interior doors of houses, as well being able to use /who to find other RP players. The rest of the patch notes are below:


  • Geddsyn, the Svartalf Apprentice, now offers a large shield Dragonslayer weapon choice to Thanes.  As with the other weapons offered only through the apprentices, players will need to choose one of the weapons offered by Raxnathor first and then hand that weapon to Geddsyn to be offered the shield.


  • If a siege engine is moved, it will now properly require you to aim again before allowing you to fire.
  • Building siege engines that require a Siege Tent nearby will now give the proper error message if there is no siege tent nearby.  This fixes an issue where it would previously indicate it required a different tool.


  • The color of the Siege Tower hookpoint has been changed to make it more visible.
  • A number of art related fixes have been introduced for the keep and outpost pieces.
  • The location for Keep lords is now consistent for all levels of the Keeps.
  • Players attempting to build a Siege Tower while stealthed will be unstealthed by the building action.
  • Constructing a Siege Tower will flag the outpost as ‘under siegeÂ’ which will trigger it to show up properly on the realmwar map.

Note: Due to the way the Siege Tower operates, pieces with a Siege Tower Hookpoint will now not take damage normally. This means the only way to “damage” or “breach” that particular piece is via a Siege Tower.

The rest of the patch notes can be found in the full article.

Notes on Test version 1.90h for Dark Age of Camelot - Image 1 The latest buzz on Dark Age of Camelot is that 1.90h is now on the Pendragon. While this new update focused more on tweaking the Siege System, quite a few bug fixes and improvements were added as well.

Among the changes include a new command which allows players to directly deposit into their guild bank, the removal of the condemned door message on the interior doors of houses, as well being able to use /who to find other RP players. The rest of the patch notes are below:


  • Geddsyn, the Svartalf Apprentice, now offers a large shield Dragonslayer weapon choice to Thanes.  As with the other weapons offered only through the apprentices, players will need to choose one of the weapons offered by Raxnathor first and then hand that weapon to Geddsyn to be offered the shield.


  • If a siege engine is moved, it will now properly require you to aim again before allowing you to fire.
  • Building siege engines that require a Siege Tent nearby will now give the proper error message if there is no siege tent nearby.  This fixes an issue where it would previously indicate it required a different tool.


  • The color of the Siege Tower hookpoint has been changed to make it more visible.
  • A number of art related fixes have been introduced for the keep and outpost pieces.
  • The location for Keep lords is now consistent for all levels of the Keeps.
  • Players attempting to build a Siege Tower while stealthed will be unstealthed by the building action.
  • Constructing a Siege Tower will flag the outpost as ‘under siegeÂ’ which will trigger it to show up properly on the realmwar map.

Note: Due to the way the Siege Tower operates, pieces with a Siege Tower Hookpoint will now not take damage normally. This means the only way to ‘damage’ or ‘breach’ that particular piece is via a Siege Tower.


Quests – Albion

  • The NPC guild leaders in Albion (Dostram, Bishop Kustan, Master Narudos, and Sir Amren) will no longer accept Nimue’s letter for Rest for the Dead (Epic 9) from classes that don’t belong to their guild.

Item Notes

  • The Midgard version of the Dragonsworn Hunting Spear will now salvage correctly


Albion Monsters

  • Xanxicar now has an Epic Encounter title.


  • Rams can now only be boarded by players friendly to the player that placed the ram.

The changes are pretty solid and should really streamline the gameplay. Mythic Entertainment is really doing a great job churning out these updates, hopefully they keep up the great work they’ve been doing.

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