Of aliens, single and multiplayer modes on C&C3

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We have here for you an audio interview by Strategy Informer with the producer and lead designer of Command & Conquer 3, Amir Ajami and Jason Bender. Spanning some seven minutes and a half, the interview has the duo talk about the progress of the game as well as their plans for it.

Interestingly, the new alien faction was discussed, and a basic preview was given. Basically, according to the guys from C&C, the aliens as a unit exhibits varying degrees of strength dependent upon the particular phase of the game players are in. In the beginning, the aliens move out with very aggressive units, though only relatively strong. By the middle portion, they grow to be a little weaker, though still not to be undermined. And in the latter part, that is where they really shine. Sure sounds like they’re out to give you some tough time, eh?

Then the interview moves on to the multiplayer and single campaigns. They reassuringly claim that the multiplayer is a lot faster than the usual, about 10 to 20 minutes. To describe it best, just enough “to get a satisfying end all in time for dinner.” The single-player, on the other hand, will feature a lot of missions that will introduce new units and showcase their functionality.

If you want to know more about their plans and whatnots (and we don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t), just download the audio interview below. Get more insights to better prepare you for this RTS coming out on your PC and Xbox 360 on March.

Download: [Command & Conquer 3 audio interview]

Via Shacknews

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We have here for you an audio interview by Strategy Informer with the producer and lead designer of Command & Conquer 3, Amir Ajami and Jason Bender. Spanning some seven minutes and a half, the interview has the duo talk about the progress of the game as well as their plans for it.

Interestingly, the new alien faction was discussed, and a basic preview was given. Basically, according to the guys from C&C, the aliens as a unit exhibits varying degrees of strength dependent upon the particular phase of the game players are in. In the beginning, the aliens move out with very aggressive units, though only relatively strong. By the middle portion, they grow to be a little weaker, though still not to be undermined. And in the latter part, that is where they really shine. Sure sounds like they’re out to give you some tough time, eh?

Then the interview moves on to the multiplayer and single campaigns. They reassuringly claim that the multiplayer is a lot faster than the usual, about 10 to 20 minutes. To describe it best, just enough “to get a satisfying end all in time for dinner.” The single-player, on the other hand, will feature a lot of missions that will introduce new units and showcase their functionality.

If you want to know more about their plans and whatnots (and we don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t), just download the audio interview below. Get more insights to better prepare you for this RTS coming out on your PC and Xbox 360 on March.

Download: [Command & Conquer 3 audio interview]

Via Shacknews

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