Of mushrooms, cousins, and red freaking pandas: Beautiful Katamari intro video

After two outings on the PlayStation 2 and one on the PlayStation Portable, things haven’t really changed for the Royal Family of the Cosmos in their fateful jump to the Xbox 360 – by that, yours truly means they’re still the off-beat, sausage-headed folk we all know and love.

I guess when you’re the ruler of everything, you get to be a little loopy. We see all of this and more in this intro of Namco Bandai‘s Beautiful Katamari. So, to the video dissection: if you’ve played the first two games and mucked around with the handheld title, chances are you know already what to expect.

For the uninitiated, though, imagine an intro that makes no sense whatsoever, yet combined with a bright, refreshing visual style (as well as a catchy, quirky soundtrack) – it all falls into place somehow. And it works. Oh, and pandas. Red pandas.

Watch the intro below to see what I mean. Classic, vintage Katamari Damacy.

After two outings on the PlayStation 2 and one on the PlayStation Portable, things haven’t really changed for the Royal Family of the Cosmos in their fateful jump to the Xbox 360 – by that, yours truly means they’re still the off-beat, sausage-headed folk we all know and love.

I guess when you’re the ruler of everything, you get to be a little loopy. We see all of this and more in this intro of Namco Bandai‘s Beautiful Katamari. So, to the video dissection: if you’ve played the first two games and mucked around with the handheld title, chances are you know already what to expect.

For the uninitiated, though, imagine an intro that makes no sense whatsoever, yet combined with a bright, refreshing visual style (as well as a catchy, quirky soundtrack) – it all falls into place somehow. And it works. Oh, and pandas. Red pandas.

Watch the intro below to see what I mean. Classic, vintage Katamari Damacy.

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