On What Sony Connect Lacks

PSP Connect

It seems like Sony has developed a taste for the controversial when it comes to how they advertise their popular handheld console, the PSP. If you recall, we’ve made a series of articles covering this subject detailing how Sony has received very strong reactions from gamers and non-gamers alike. Both of which were appalled at the insinuation of the ad. And before that, there were the graffiti ads in the North and South Philadelphia area, that one caused an uproar from irate residents and city officials.

Now, Sony is once again in the frontline of attention with their rather interesting ad on Connect. Connect is Sony’s music store built within the SonicStage music management application for Microsoft Windows-based personal computers. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I think it’s the looming presence of Will Ferell on this picture that makes the carefree tagline worth a laugh or two… okay a snicker.

Thanks a bunch to Nugz for bringing this to our attention.

PSP Connect

It seems like Sony has developed a taste for the controversial when it comes to how they advertise their popular handheld console, the PSP. If you recall, we’ve made a series of articles covering this subject detailing how Sony has received very strong reactions from gamers and non-gamers alike. Both of which were appalled at the insinuation of the ad. And before that, there were the graffiti ads in the North and South Philadelphia area, that one caused an uproar from irate residents and city officials.

Now, Sony is once again in the frontline of attention with their rather interesting ad on Connect. Connect is Sony’s music store built within the SonicStage music management application for Microsoft Windows-based personal computers. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I think it’s the looming presence of Will Ferell on this picture that makes the carefree tagline worth a laugh or two… okay a snicker.

Thanks a bunch to Nugz for bringing this to our attention.

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