One Life Left launches Guitar Hero II podcasts

Guitar Hero II

Okay, okay, the Xbox 360 version’s not coming out til next year, but the PS2 version of RedOctane‘s Guitar Hero II is all set to drop by November 24, and so indie radio show One Life Left plans to fill in the gap between now and Guitar Hero II‘s November release by broadcasting a few podcasts centered around the game.

Now, before you guys form a lynch mob and say that this is purely PS2 news, hear us out first. We’re really big fans of the first Guitar Hero, and since pretty much everybody and their neighbor’s been looking forward to this game like Beavis looks forward to some porno, we thought you guys would like to be informed about the podcasts.

Anyway, there’s gonna be a total of four podcasts (available through iTunes or at, with each podcast getting a Friday release. The first one’s available now, and here’s what you can expect from it: “The first podcast – which can be played on any MP3 player – sees regular presenter Robert Howells duet with newsreader Ann Scantlebury in a performance they will never forget. Along the way, we discover a rude anagram, learn some trivia about one of the most famous rifts ever written, and get a bit confused by Sheryl Crow.”

Sounds cool. Hey, even if we just hear it in action instead of seeing it (and playing it again and again and again), we’d settle for anything Guitar Hero II-related. That’s how psyched we are about this game. Ah, we really can’t wait for 2007.

Guitar Hero II

Okay, okay, the Xbox 360 version’s not coming out til next year, but the PS2 version of RedOctane‘s Guitar Hero II is all set to drop by November 24, and so indie radio show One Life Left plans to fill in the gap between now and Guitar Hero II‘s November release by broadcasting a few podcasts centered around the game.

Now, before you guys form a lynch mob and say that this is purely PS2 news, hear us out first. We’re really big fans of the first Guitar Hero, and since pretty much everybody and their neighbor’s been looking forward to this game like Beavis looks forward to some porno, we thought you guys would like to be informed about the podcasts.

Anyway, there’s gonna be a total of four podcasts (available through iTunes or at, with each podcast getting a Friday release. The first one’s available now, and here’s what you can expect from it: “The first podcast – which can be played on any MP3 player – sees regular presenter Robert Howells duet with newsreader Ann Scantlebury in a performance they will never forget. Along the way, we discover a rude anagram, learn some trivia about one of the most famous rifts ever written, and get a bit confused by Sheryl Crow.”

Sounds cool. Hey, even if we just hear it in action instead of seeing it (and playing it again and again and again), we’d settle for anything Guitar Hero II-related. That’s how psyched we are about this game. Ah, we really can’t wait for 2007.

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