One Piece: Unlimited Adventure gameplay videos featuring Nico Robin
Itching for some beat-em-up gameplay that’s a bit more One Piece flavored? Then One Piece: Unlimited Adventure for the Nintendo Wii is definitely right up your alley, and in this gameplay video update of the upcoming Namco Bandai title we see Robin replicating her own body parts to slap the everliving crap out of her opponents. Yeah, she’s hot like that. Check out the videos in the full article!
For those of us itching for some beat-em-up action on the high seas, then Luffy and his crew in One Piece: Unlimited Adventure for the Nintendo Wii has got you covered. Sporting insane cel-shaded, smoothly-animated action that’s fast and furious, this title from Namco Bandai is definitely for the twitch-based, hardcore player at heart, and we see just why in this three-hit-combo of gameplay videos, starring none other than the sultry Nico Robin.
So, what are these videos about? Why, they’re all about Robin slapping the hell out of some enemy pirate scum, that’s what! Using her unique abilities of being able to sprout multiple replications of body parts on any surface, Robin proves herself quite the efficient (if not freakingly scary) fighter. While she might not be as hard-hitting as Luffy or Zoro, suffice to say Robin can hold her own in a fight.
Enjoy the videos!