One-stop PSP video download web-shop now open

psp playlist

PSP fanboys rejoice! Your very own one-stop PSP video download web-shop is now open for business. The site,, features news, wallpapers, and videos of various genres including game trailers, behind-the -scenes, and music videos. The site also provides many promotional and marketing promos that could mean special deals.

Currently, the website offers a lot of videos in their download area, tons of game trailers, plus a PSPcast of “Martins Weekly MoneySaving Mutterings 16” – all these are freebies by the way. There are also 40 wallpapers in five categories: Abstract, Cars. Cities, Games, Sport. Yep, all are free for the taking! In fact, the only thing for sale there are the music videos at £ 1.89 (US$ 2.44) a pop.

The site is not exclusively all-PSP games, all the time, though. Since 98% of PSP owners also own PC/Mac or Xbox/PS2, the site features games for these platforms as well.

Finally, PSP Playlist has a forum where all threads are currently empty. Those of you who love going “Woot! Woot! First!” this is your chance!

Via PSP Playlist

psp playlist

PSP fanboys rejoice! Your very own one-stop PSP video download web-shop is now open for business. The site,, features news, wallpapers, and videos of various genres including game trailers, behind-the -scenes, and music videos. The site also provides many promotional and marketing promos that could mean special deals.

Currently, the website offers a lot of videos in their download area, tons of game trailers, plus a PSPcast of “Martins Weekly MoneySaving Mutterings 16” – all these are freebies by the way. There are also 40 wallpapers in five categories: Abstract, Cars. Cities, Games, Sport. Yep, all are free for the taking! In fact, the only thing for sale there are the music videos at £ 1.89 (US$ 2.44) a pop.

The site is not exclusively all-PSP games, all the time, though. Since 98% of PSP owners also own PC/Mac or Xbox/PS2, the site features games for these platforms as well.

Finally, PSP Playlist has a forum where all threads are currently empty. Those of you who love going “Woot! Woot! First!” this is your chance!

Via PSP Playlist

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