One-stop PSP video download web-shop now open
PSP fanboys rejoice! Your very own one-stop PSP video download web-shop is now open for business. The site,, features news, wallpapers, and videos of various genres including game trailers, behind-the -scenes, and music videos. The site also provides many promotional and marketing promos that could mean special deals.
Currently, the website offers a lot of videos in their download area, tons of game trailers, plus a PSPcast of “Martins Weekly MoneySaving Mutterings 16” – all these are freebies by the way. There are also 40 wallpapers in five categories: Abstract, Cars. Cities, Games, Sport. Yep, all are free for the taking! In fact, the only thing for sale there are the music videos at £ 1.89 (US$ 2.44) a pop.
The site is not exclusively all-PSP games, all the time, though. Since 98% of PSP owners also own PC/Mac or Xbox/PS2, the site features games for these platforms as well.
Finally, PSP Playlist has a forum where all threads are currently empty. Those of you who love going “Woot! Woot! First!” this is your chance!
Via PSP Playlist
PSP fanboys rejoice! Your very own one-stop PSP video download web-shop is now open for business. The site,, features news, wallpapers, and videos of various genres including game trailers, behind-the -scenes, and music videos. The site also provides many promotional and marketing promos that could mean special deals.
Currently, the website offers a lot of videos in their download area, tons of game trailers, plus a PSPcast of “Martins Weekly MoneySaving Mutterings 16” – all these are freebies by the way. There are also 40 wallpapers in five categories: Abstract, Cars. Cities, Games, Sport. Yep, all are free for the taking! In fact, the only thing for sale there are the music videos at £ 1.89 (US$ 2.44) a pop.
The site is not exclusively all-PSP games, all the time, though. Since 98% of PSP owners also own PC/Mac or Xbox/PS2, the site features games for these platforms as well.
Finally, PSP Playlist has a forum where all threads are currently empty. Those of you who love going “Woot! Woot! First!” this is your chance!
Via PSP Playlist