Xbox 360 Accessories
Ok, so you may have seen most of these images in some form or another, but theyre always good to look at, especially when theyre...
PSPUpdates Homebrew Contest Winners
The first PSPUpdates Homebrew Contest has ended. The voting has ended, thanks to all who have taken the time to vote! The first place winner...
TeamXtender Update
Here’s a quote from the TeamXtender website: As per expected, the announcement of PSP2TV has caused an uproar of feedback to us here at Team...
VBAPSP v0.04?
There is a version of the GameBoy Advance Emulator (VBAPSP) floating around which may or may not be a new release. People are speculating on...
Metal Gear ACID2 – TGS Video Trailer
Source: IGN A new video trailer is available. You can get it from our PSP Download section [here]....
Sony’s Chief Technology Officer Talks PS3
Source:GameGeekNews Outside of the Revolution’s controller, this is the most interesting thing by far that I’ve seen from the Tokyo Game Show. PC Watch has...
Kojima Proves MGS4 is Real
Source:1UP To quiet any disbelievers, and to give TGS showgoers a sense of how powerful the PS3 hardware really is, Hideo Kojima held a special...
Field Commander – Official Website Open
SOE has launched the official website of Field Commander. You can visit it [here]. This game is a turn-based strategy game feature with vivid 3D...
Another Next-Gen Sonic Video
Another Sonic the Hedgehog video is out for download. In this video you can see a clip of some the the actual gameplay, including speeding...
Next-Gen Sonic Screens
These screenshots were taken at Tokyo Game Show 2005 from the Sonic the Hedgehog videos from TGS 2005 as well. The gameplay is very fast,...