Parasite Eve 3 coming to mobile phones

Aya Brea finally returns - Image 1 

Back in 1998, long before Squaresoft and Enix merged, Square released a survival-horror action game titled Parasite Eve. It was received well enough to get a sequel two years later, but fans were dismayed when they thought the franchise ended there. Fortunately, SE announced during their party that Parasite Eve 3 will be coming, reports 1UP. The not-so-fortunate news? Well, it’s coming out for mobile phones.

No gameplay footage was shown on the trailer, but the sexy drawing of franchise heroine Aya Brea and a remix of the main theme should be enough to bring Parasite Eve fans some nostalgia. Squeenix said nothing about shipping the game outside Japan, so you better start praying if you’re one of those that loyally waited for the next installment in the series: SE tends to keep mobile phone games to themselves.

Via 1UP

Aya Brea finally returns - Image 1 

Back in 1998, long before Squaresoft and Enix merged, Square released a survival-horror action game titled Parasite Eve. It was received well enough to get a sequel two years later, but fans were dismayed when they thought the franchise ended there. Fortunately, SE announced during their party that Parasite Eve 3 will be coming, reports 1UP. The not-so-fortunate news? Well, it’s coming out for mobile phones.

No gameplay footage was shown on the trailer, but the sexy drawing of franchise heroine Aya Brea and a remix of the main theme should be enough to bring Parasite Eve fans some nostalgia. Squeenix said nothing about shipping the game outside Japan, so you better start praying if you’re one of those that loyally waited for the next installment in the series: SE tends to keep mobile phone games to themselves.

Via 1UP

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