PatchSFO v.01

PSp icon - Image 1 Splodger15 dropped by the boards earlier to give us a simple but essential announcement. He’s letting everybody know that PatchSFO has just been updated to v.01, and is now available for download.

For those not in the know, Patch SFO is a homebrew application that allows you to patch your PSP SFO files – which should smooth things out with the xloader app, on which this app is based to work with.

Moving on, splodge15 explains that he was having problems running LUA scripts on 3.10 OE, and that this update was built to fix that problem. To get started, just load the contents of the enclosed bundle into your memory stick, and you’re ready to go. Enjoy the download, and make sure to check out splodger15’s series of PSP Turismo games while you’re here.

Download: [PatchSFO v.01]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

PSp icon - Image 1 Splodger15 dropped by the boards earlier to give us a simple but essential announcement. He’s letting everybody know that PatchSFO has just been updated to v.01, and is now available for download.

For those not in the know, Patch SFO is a homebrew application that allows you to patch your PSP SFO files – which should smooth things out with the xloader app, on which this app is based to work with.

Moving on, splodge15 explains that he was having problems running LUA scripts on 3.10 OE, and that this update was built to fix that problem. To get started, just load the contents of the enclosed bundle into your memory stick, and you’re ready to go. Enjoy the download, and make sure to check out splodger15’s series of PSP Turismo games while you’re here.

Download: [PatchSFO v.01]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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