Pay-To-Play Coming to Lumines Live?


Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s famed puzzler Lumines Live! is certainly making its way to the Xbox Live Arcade, but unfortunately the pricing options may not be as appealing as the game itself. While the XBLA version will feature high definition gameplay and support for 5.1 surround sound, it may actually cost extra to play against friends over Xbox Live. Mizuguchi said that the basic form of Lumines Live through the Xbox Live Marketplace, but if you want multiplayer you’ll have to pay even more. That’s currently the method they have planned for right now, but they’re still trying to determine if they should include versus in the base package. This seems like a greedy move on their part, but if they can make more money for no extra work then why shouldn’t they? Are you still going to purchase Lumines if they package it separately? Leave us a comment telling us how you feel about this whole fiasco.

Via Kikizo


Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s famed puzzler Lumines Live! is certainly making its way to the Xbox Live Arcade, but unfortunately the pricing options may not be as appealing as the game itself. While the XBLA version will feature high definition gameplay and support for 5.1 surround sound, it may actually cost extra to play against friends over Xbox Live. Mizuguchi said that the basic form of Lumines Live through the Xbox Live Marketplace, but if you want multiplayer you’ll have to pay even more. That’s currently the method they have planned for right now, but they’re still trying to determine if they should include versus in the base package. This seems like a greedy move on their part, but if they can make more money for no extra work then why shouldn’t they? Are you still going to purchase Lumines if they package it separately? Leave us a comment telling us how you feel about this whole fiasco.

Via Kikizo

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