People Massively Start Anti Wii Petitions

Okay people, seriously, stop this nonsense. It’s about the system, not about the name of it. Anyway, fanboys have massively started petitions all over the web lately, demanding that Nintendo changes the name Wii back to Revolution, or to something else. Online petitions are rarely successful due to unique signatures being impossible to verify, so it is unlikely impossible these petitions will affect Nintendo’s decision marketing plans.

Of course the name of the console is odd, but so is Google, but now even my grandmother knows what Google is (not too sure about the name Yahoo though). If you’re desperate enough to sign any of these petitions, you can find them at Petition Spot, Petition-Them, and iPetitions. Oh and I’m not the first person who signed it at Petition-Them, that’s someone else.

Okay people, seriously, stop this nonsense. It’s about the system, not about the name of it. Anyway, fanboys have massively started petitions all over the web lately, demanding that Nintendo changes the name Wii back to Revolution, or to something else. Online petitions are rarely successful due to unique signatures being impossible to verify, so it is unlikely impossible these petitions will affect Nintendo’s decision marketing plans.

Of course the name of the console is odd, but so is Google, but now even my grandmother knows what Google is (not too sure about the name Yahoo though). If you’re desperate enough to sign any of these petitions, you can find them at Petition Spot, Petition-Them, and iPetitions. Oh and I’m not the first person who signed it at Petition-Them, that’s someone else.

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