Photo of the Fractal 360 Prototype


If you remember, about a week ago the Fractal team previously reported that the “ultimate universal 360 DVD firmware chip” will make its big firmware debut on the 20th of August. I guess, the Fractal team knows that when people are kept in the dark for too long, restlessness becomes them and eventually, they go nuts, so this photo of the final version prototype of the chip. Full scale production will commence in the coming days, so expect the chip to make it on it’s promised date.

Features include:

  • Reduced number of wires to solder
  • On the fly patching! On-board firmware will remain unchanged
  • Fully compatible with actual Security sectors without the need to reburn games
  • Media fix for Hitachi readers for increased media compatibility
  • Security sectors and game ripping on both Hitachi and Samsung readers
  • Fully automatic disable feature for original game boot


If you remember, about a week ago the Fractal team previously reported that the “ultimate universal 360 DVD firmware chip” will make its big firmware debut on the 20th of August. I guess, the Fractal team knows that when people are kept in the dark for too long, restlessness becomes them and eventually, they go nuts, so this photo of the final version prototype of the chip. Full scale production will commence in the coming days, so expect the chip to make it on it’s promised date.

Features include:

  • Reduced number of wires to solder
  • On the fly patching! On-board firmware will remain unchanged
  • Fully compatible with actual Security sectors without the need to reburn games
  • Media fix for Hitachi readers for increased media compatibility
  • Security sectors and game ripping on both Hitachi and Samsung readers
  • Fully automatic disable feature for original game boot

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