Piccolo concerts cancelled by GM
Before anything else, read the text on the picture above by clicking on it. Done? Ok, it seems that the GMs on Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft have come down on those playing the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire. Neuroxin posted this picture on his Live Journal and to be honest, I couldn’t stop laughing for a good five minutes after reading it. While we have to admit that some players can get annoying with their continuous playing of the trinket and the dancing it caused, was it really worth the GMs’ time to ask the player to stop playing?
Note, the GMs have to deal with a lot of problems in-game. From bugs to rowdy players, they have it pretty rough. Come on guys, lighten up a bit. I know for a fact that there are players who find the prospect of “mailbox concerts” funny (a few of us here have were particularly enamored by Draenai and Blood-elf women dancing). I understand that it may be considered inconvenient by other players, we feel that that was a bit harsh. That said, the GM made a judgment call based on the circumstances during the time and made a snap decision based on that. Players should respect that.
Since “Mailbox concerts” are out of the question, are there any other places where players can play their Piccolos in an annoying but funny manner? (Oh, and Neuroxin, you rock bro!)
Via Live Journal
Before anything else, read the text on the picture above by clicking on it. Done? Ok, it seems that the GMs on Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft have come down on those playing the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire. Neuroxin posted this picture on his Live Journal and to be honest, I couldn’t stop laughing for a good five minutes after reading it. While we have to admit that some players can get annoying with their continuous playing of the trinket and the dancing it caused, was it really worth the GMs’ time to ask the player to stop playing?
Note, the GMs have to deal with a lot of problems in-game. From bugs to rowdy players, they have it pretty rough. Come on guys, lighten up a bit. I know for a fact that there are players who find the prospect of “mailbox concerts” funny (a few of us here have were particularly enamored by Draenai and Blood-elf women dancing). I understand that it may be considered inconvenient by other players, we feel that that was a bit harsh. That said, the GM made a judgment call based on the circumstances during the time and made a snap decision based on that. Players should respect that.
Since “Mailbox concerts” are out of the question, are there any other places where players can play their Piccolos in an annoying but funny manner? (Oh, and Neuroxin, you rock bro!)
Via Live Journal