Pink-Colored Gadgets Are Consumer Babe Magnets
Think pink, the traditional feminine color, has lost its magic? Think again. Gadgetmakers from Motorola to Eastman Kodak are painting their products pink to attract women. A powerful and growing group in the consumer tech market, women are expected to spend some $65 billion on electronics this year, many on pink gizmos. For instance, Cingular Wireless’ pink Razr outsold a monthÂ’s worth of other cell phones in two days.
But not everyone is buying the Pretty in Pink Phenomenon. “I can’t imagine women walking into the boardroom with (a pink cell phone),” said an analyst at a technology research firm. “They say they want something sleek and well-designed. It doesn’t have to look like Barbie.” High-profile power attorney Elle Woods from
Legally Blonde firm might object to that. Her and 37.6 percent of women surveyed by the research firm who felt gadgets need to come in more feminine styles. Technology companies say theyÂ’re getting the message. Kodak has introduced a line of fashionable digital cameras in pink. Sony has red digital cameras and laptops and pink digital music players.
Think pink, the traditional feminine color, has lost its magic? Think again. Gadgetmakers from Motorola to Eastman Kodak are painting their products pink to attract women. A powerful and growing group in the consumer tech market, women are expected to spend some $65 billion on electronics this year, many on pink gizmos. For instance, Cingular Wireless’ pink Razr outsold a monthÂ’s worth of other cell phones in two days.
But not everyone is buying the Pretty in Pink Phenomenon. “I can’t imagine women walking into the boardroom with (a pink cell phone),” said an analyst at a technology research firm. “They say they want something sleek and well-designed. It doesn’t have to look like Barbie.” High-profile power attorney Elle Woods from
Legally Blonde firm might object to that. Her and 37.6 percent of women surveyed by the research firm who felt gadgets need to come in more feminine styles. Technology companies say theyÂ’re getting the message. Kodak has introduced a line of fashionable digital cameras in pink. Sony has red digital cameras and laptops and pink digital music players.