PIPBoy hopes: Fallout 3 coming to Xbox 360?

PIPBoy, ahoy! - Image 1Could this be it? Could the prayers of a million RPG-lovers finally be answered? Should we start charging up our PIPBoy 2000 again? Is the next installment of Fallout finally on its way? The answer, according to Bethesda, is a big, resounding, YES.

Now, before you pop that champagne, there’s still a couple of things we need to clear up about Fallout 3, which would be the next installment to the classic Fallout series. For one, we do know that the game will definitely be released for the PC, but what we don’t know is whether it will also be gracing any of the next-gen consoles.

However, signs seem to be pointing in the Xbox 360’s direction. For one thing, the game will be using the same game engine as Oblivion, which is Gamebryo. On top of that, the game promises to be even larger and even more open-ended than its predecessors, so the amount of disc space needed for all of that would also be larger than usual, though this could perhaps be taken care of within the coming year or so. Though no release date of this much-awaited installment has yet been pegged, Howard notes that they are still in the pre-production phase, but that they “should be ready soon to show it off, but we’ll see.”

Now the next question would be: will the new, Bethesda version of Fallout be able to match the expectations which Interplay has previously built up?

As for the fabled Fallout MMORPG… well… we’re not counting on that one yet.

PIPBoy, ahoy! - Image 1Could this be it? Could the prayers of a million RPG-lovers finally be answered? Should we start charging up our PIPBoy 2000 again? Is the next installment of Fallout finally on its way? The answer, according to Bethesda, is a big, resounding, YES.

Now, before you pop that champagne, there’s still a couple of things we need to clear up about Fallout 3, which would be the next installment to the classic Fallout series. For one, we do know that the game will definitely be released for the PC, but what we don’t know is whether it will also be gracing any of the next-gen consoles.

However, signs seem to be pointing in the Xbox 360’s direction. For one thing, the game will be using the same game engine as Oblivion, which is Gamebryo. On top of that, the game promises to be even larger and even more open-ended than its predecessors, so the amount of disc space needed for all of that would also be larger than usual, though this could perhaps be taken care of within the coming year or so. Though no release date of this much-awaited installment has yet been pegged, Howard notes that they are still in the pre-production phase, but that they “should be ready soon to show it off, but we’ll see.”

Now the next question would be: will the new, Bethesda version of Fallout be able to match the expectations which Interplay has previously built up?

As for the fabled Fallout MMORPG… well… we’re not counting on that one yet.

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