Pirates of the Burning Sea: Character Transfers temporarily suspended
Ahoy, Pirates of the Burning Sea players! Bit of bad news here coming from Flying Lab Software – it seems that they’ve been getting quite a lot of complaints about the character transfer feature, to the point that they’ve decided to suspend the service for a while. Not to worry, though, because they’re looking into the issue. All the details you want in the full article.
Sailing the stormy seas in Flying Lab Software‘s Pirates of the Burning Sea? Then here’s an update you should pay attention to, moreso if you’re planning to have your own character transferred. Yes, the unthinkable has happened – they’re suspending the character transfer service, so you wont’ be able to avail of this feature for quite some time.
Why are they doing this, you ask? Well, it seems that there are a few issues with the service itself. The news post, verbatim:
We have had reports from a handful of customers experiencing complications related the character transfer process. In an effort to mitigate the potential for any additional problems, we are temporarily suspending this service.
We anticipate re-enabling the character transfer service in the very near future, and we will keep you updated as we learn more.
Here’s hoping that they get the issues resolved pronto. Updates as we get them.