Pirates of the Burning Sea Developers Log – Team Brady Is Now Complete

potbsPirates of the Burning Sea developer ‘Brady’ went on a recruiting trip to the University of Washington in search of a fourth member of the newly-formed ‘Team Brady’. It was a necessary thing to do as Team Brady is being outnumbered by Team Joe. The team sure needs extra muscle.

Among the applicants, a guy named Wes stood out from the rest. Brady was impressed at how he was able to answer questions with little trouble. Add to that the fact that Wes has a bit of game-related experience – a big plus. To cut the long story short, Wes got the job and Team Brady is now complete! So expect some good devlog reading in the coming days.

Brady also said that two team members have been doing great and have come up to speed with the enormous code base. They’re currently working on mission system, and preferences and key binding features. Work on the dispatch server is ongoing, as well as on “ripping the avatar motion system to pieces“.

Brady added, “IÂ’ve primarily been modifying the AI, assisting ConCo in support of the features they need, and of course, fixing bugs.

Via Flying Lab

potbsPirates of the Burning Sea developer ‘Brady’ went on a recruiting trip to the University of Washington in search of a fourth member of the newly-formed ‘Team Brady’. It was a necessary thing to do as Team Brady is being outnumbered by Team Joe. The team sure needs extra muscle.

Among the applicants, a guy named Wes stood out from the rest. Brady was impressed at how he was able to answer questions with little trouble. Add to that the fact that Wes has a bit of game-related experience – a big plus. To cut the long story short, Wes got the job and Team Brady is now complete! So expect some good devlog reading in the coming days.

Brady also said that two team members have been doing great and have come up to speed with the enormous code base. They’re currently working on mission system, and preferences and key binding features. Work on the dispatch server is ongoing, as well as on “ripping the avatar motion system to pieces“.

Brady added, “IÂ’ve primarily been modifying the AI, assisting ConCo in support of the features they need, and of course, fixing bugs.

Via Flying Lab

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