PlayStation Home screenshots from Japanese PS3 site

PlayStation Home looks SWEET! - Image 1 Japan has a few PlayStation Home screenshots up, and boy are we drooling over them. If Home is part of the PS3’s push to steal the Wii’s thunder, then we expect a lot of thunder to be stolen. Go to the full article to see the shots (Read more… Read more… And start thinking about the Sony Online Entertainment game tie-ins too.)

PlayStation Home screenshot from Japan - Image 1 Japan has a few PlayStation Home screenshots up, and boy are we drooling over them. If there’s still anybody sitting on the fence about Home for the PS3, these screenshots may just make believers out of you.

(Sorry. The images first popped up a few days back, but we never did get around to posting them over the weekend. Besides, we assume you’ll be too busy commenting about how nice they are instead of how we’re two days late with this one. Hehe.)

Sony and PS3 fans have often said that PlayStation Home is the community-based service to end all community-based services ever since it was announced at the Game Developers Conference on March 7, 2007.

With the tentative release date of “Spring 2008” no longer looking so tentative when you see how well developed Home has become, now’s the time to get excited about Home all over again. (We hinted at this when we talked about how Home is part of the PS3’s push to steal the Wii’s thunder.)

Start planning your avatar, start visualizing your Trophy Room (where the Trophies you earn from games that support the Trophy system will be displayed), and start planning to move to your new Home. (And start thinking about the Sony Online Entertainment game tie-ins too.)

The modular building made a believer out of me. Be-a-u-ti-ful.

By the way, you must head over to the Japanese site for more about the Avatars and the Home Spaces. Don’t worry, the words “Avatar” and “My Home Space” are in English so you can’t miss it. Just a friendly tip from your future Home neighbors here at QJ.NET.

PlayStation Home screenshots from Japan - Image 1PlayStation Home screenshots from Japan - Image 2PlayStation Home screenshots from Japan - Image 3

Via Japan

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