PlayStation UK: PlayStation Store PC suffered a hack attack?

PlayStation Store Logo - Image 1The people behind the UK Playstation PC Store has revealed that certain user accounts may have been hacked. If you regularly use the service, you might want to read more about this issue. To do so, head on over to the full article by clicking on the “read more” link below.

PSNetwork Logo - Image 1The UK Playstation PC Store has announced that there is a possibility that their system may have been hacked and that those responsible may have changed the Playstation Network passwords of certain users.

According to the notice that was posted, the issue has already been resolved and system security has already been restored. Those investigating the incident have already analyzed the extent of the unauthorized access and are directly contacting customers who have been affected by the incident.

To see if your account may have been affected by the incident, the people from the UK PlayStation urge users to try logging in to their account. If their pre-set password works, then there should be no problem. However, if you have a problem logging in, you might want to contact customer service.

Via UK PlayStation Store

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