Pocketbike Racer video: Men (in tights) on bikes
When a game’s based on a movie, expect it to suck, when a movie’s based on a video game, expect that it blows. But when a videogame’s based on a popular fast food chain, like, say, Burger King…well, we give up. We just picked up this gameplay video of the recently released Pocketbike Racer that’s being released at every Burger King franchise here, and while we like racing games, and love fast bikes, there’s just something very…very…unappetizing about a bearded man in leotards ripping along corners in this game’s courtyard-style tracks. Fast food indeed.
We won’t go so far as tell you how the game rated, but we will tell you this thought: Heaven help us if BK decides to standardize the “The King”s clothes for their chain. Enjoy the vid, and remember to check out the other two games you can find in BK’s promo – you know you’ll be entertained.