Prey (PC) vs Prey (Xbox 360): You Be the Judge

PreyWhile technology is supposed to make life simpler, it often backfires making life actually more complicated. Take Prey for instance. Typical of a multi-platform title, the question you have to grapple with isn’t just to buy or not to buy. But also, do you  buy the PC version or Prey for Xbox 360. The question, of course, is valid only if you own a PC and an Xbox 360.

As usual, where there is a dilemma there’s some folk who are bound to go find out for themselves. In this case it’s the team at Gamespot. They decided to put the two Prey versions to test to see which is the predator and which is the prey. According to the team, PC-based games are traditionally superior to consoles especially for the FPS genre. Mainly because the mouse-and-keyboard standard presents better control than a gamepad plus PC graphics outclass the consoles’.

The arrival of the Xbox 360 is changing all that by giving the PC a run for its money. See what we mean by new technology making things more complicated? To make things less complicated, here are the GameSpot score card for the two species of Prey.

Prey (Xbox 360) The Good:

Prey (Xbox 360) The Bad

  • Costs $10 more than the PC version.
  • Any user-generated content cannot be used.

Prey (PC) The Good:

  • Cheaper retail price.
  • Better graphics when played on high-end PCs.
  • More potential thanks to additional content via user mods and maps.

Prey (PC) The Bad:

  • No native support for widescreen resolutions.
  • Multiplayer designed to only officially support eight players.

The bottomline: Prey PC is great on high-end machines. But the Xbox 360 version is better for gamers who don’t want to upgrade their PC.

Via Gamespot

PreyWhile technology is supposed to make life simpler, it often backfires making life actually more complicated. Take Prey for instance. Typical of a multi-platform title, the question you have to grapple with isn’t just to buy or not to buy. But also, do you  buy the PC version or Prey for Xbox 360. The question, of course, is valid only if you own a PC and an Xbox 360.

As usual, where there is a dilemma there’s some folk who are bound to go find out for themselves. In this case it’s the team at Gamespot. They decided to put the two Prey versions to test to see which is the predator and which is the prey. According to the team, PC-based games are traditionally superior to consoles especially for the FPS genre. Mainly because the mouse-and-keyboard standard presents better control than a gamepad plus PC graphics outclass the consoles’.

The arrival of the Xbox 360 is changing all that by giving the PC a run for its money. See what we mean by new technology making things more complicated? To make things less complicated, here are the GameSpot score card for the two species of Prey.

Prey (Xbox 360) The Good:

Prey (Xbox 360) The Bad

  • Costs $10 more than the PC version.
  • Any user-generated content cannot be used.

Prey (PC) The Good:

  • Cheaper retail price.
  • Better graphics when played on high-end PCs.
  • More potential thanks to additional content via user mods and maps.

Prey (PC) The Bad:

  • No native support for widescreen resolutions.
  • Multiplayer designed to only officially support eight players.

The bottomline: Prey PC is great on high-end machines. But the Xbox 360 version is better for gamers who don’t want to upgrade their PC.

Via Gamespot

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