Prince of Persia rated “T for Toned-down”
While Nintendo is giving the Wii a bit of manslaughtering flavor with Manhunt 2 loving, other games that have been previously known for “mature” content are getting a quite a make-over for the family-friendly console. According to ESRB, at least. Take for example Prince of Persia: Rival Swords.
The previous game, Two Thrones, was loved by many for its mature content, true. Things for the blue-blooded Persian were getting quite adult with all the themes and gameplay introduced in the previous game. So why is Rival Swords doing a U-turn and getting “T for Teen”? More like “T for Toned-down” from its previous installment’s “M” rating.
Some of you might be ripping your hair out, crying “Ohnoes!” and whatnot. But think about it from another perspective. Just because it’s given a lower rating on the ESRB ladder, this really isn’t indicative of its fun factor. Hey, a game can still whoop some bad-ass even if it gets a “E for Everyone” rating.
While Nintendo is giving the Wii a bit of manslaughtering flavor with Manhunt 2 loving, other games that have been previously known for “mature” content are getting a quite a make-over for the family-friendly console. According to ESRB, at least. Take for example Prince of Persia: Rival Swords.
The previous game, Two Thrones, was loved by many for its mature content, true. Things for the blue-blooded Persian were getting quite adult with all the themes and gameplay introduced in the previous game. So why is Rival Swords doing a U-turn and getting “T for Teen”? More like “T for Toned-down” from its previous installment’s “M” rating.
Some of you might be ripping your hair out, crying “Ohnoes!” and whatnot. But think about it from another perspective. Just because it’s given a lower rating on the ESRB ladder, this really isn’t indicative of its fun factor. Hey, a game can still whoop some bad-ass even if it gets a “E for Everyone” rating.