PS3 firmware 2.01 to blame for Call of Duty 4 online woes?
Word got round that PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 marines have been beset by online play issues with Activision‘s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, PC), but speculations steaming up from Sony’s side have caught our attention in particular. PS3 players complained that online play with CoD4 was acceptable before upgrading, but one fateful morning after the firmware update, they discovered that online sessions were unplayable. Mere coincidence? Find out at the full article.
When Sony released version 2.00 of the PlayStation 3 firmware, it introduced a ton of unexplained symptoms that many a PS3 gamer despised. Sony decided to address that with firmware 2.01, but just a day after Sony released it, another set of disappointment rose from the netherworld – this time, it’s for Activision‘s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, PC).
PS3 players have complained in the official Charlie Oscar Delta forums that online play prior to updating was acceptable, but became a ton of headaches after updating the console’s firmware. Because of this, rumor mills have been working overtime, running speculations that Sony could have been responsible for this new mess up.
So are they? Maybe not. Other players running on PS3 firmware v2.01 have been able to play online sessions for as long as two hours before experiencing the same issues other complainants have been pointing out. Perhaps the servers have developed a new problem, or CoD4 is going to need more servers to handle the amount of players it’s racking up.
So far, constant nagging from the media hasn’t reaped any worthwhile reply from Infinity Ward or Sony, so official word has yet to confirm the true cause. We’re just hoping for an absolute solution and get players back on their combat boots.